Compton College Zoom Backgrounds

Free Zoom Backgrounds

Click on the images below to view and download free virtual backgrounds for your Zoom Meetings.
Images are 1920x1080 at 300dpi, jpeg files.

Gorgeous Sunset 1920x1082   LSSC Horizontal Art Deco   AHB South View

CC Virtual Background 1   CC Virtual Background 2   CC virtual background 3

CC virtual background 4   CC virtual background 5   CC virtual background 6

CC virtual background 7   Compton College Allied Health Building   Compton College View

Compton College Sunset    Compton College Tartars Stadium image   Create Your Success Zoom image

Library and Globe background    Compton College campus and agapanthas   exterior photo of quad and patio area shows peopel seated at tables with umbrellas    

Compton College Mental Health Awareness Month   Compton College DACA AB 540 Zoom Background    exterior photo of office building labeled student services

L-SSC Reflection duotone  IB1 panorama   MIS Building b&w

Compton College FIST Zoom Background   Compton College LGBTQ Zoom Background   Compton College Veterans Zoom Background

Virtual Backgrounds by Guided Pathway Division:

BIS virtual background image FACHS virtual background image HPS virtual background image SocSci virtual background image STEM virtual background image
Business and
Industrial Studies
Fine Arts, Communication & Humanities
Health and
Public Services
Social Sciences
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
Image of decor layer 3 Image of decor layer 2 Image of decor layer 1

We're Here to Help! Create Your Success Story at Compton College.

Image of a young man in sunglasses in his graduation cap and gown