Academic Senate

Statement of Purpose:

The Academic Senate is organized under the provisions of the California Code of Regulations, Title 5. It shall represent the faculty and make recommendations to the administration and to the Board with respect to academic and professional matters, so long as the exercise of such functions does not conflict with the lawful collective bargaining agreement.

The passage of AB 1725 in 1988 granted the Academic Senate the role as the college’s primary authority on academic and professional matters.

Our purpose is to represent all faculty in dealings with Administration and the Board of Trustees, in developing, revising, and implementing college-wide policies and procedures that concern faculty. The Academic Senate should strengthen the role faculty plays in the collaborative governance process. Furthermore, the Academic Senate should provide a platform where faculty discuss, debate, formulate resolutions and recommendations, provide opinions on academic and professional matters, as well as on other issues of concern.

The Academic Senate is a democratically elected group of faculty who represent their respective divisions.

Academic Senate Goals:

The Academic Senate's annual goals reflect a commitment to "an effective process of collaboration and collegial consultation conducted with integrity and respect to inform and strengthen decision-making" (Strategic Initiative C).


1. Establish a diverse representation on all campus committees
2. Increase faculty attendance and involvement at Academic Senate meetings
3. Support the growth of faculty professional development activities on campus
     a. Faculty Development Committee
     b. Book Club
     c. Suggestions during Academic Senate meetings, FDC, PD Liaisons, Academic Senate President, and Senators of desired PD topics
4. Increase cultural awareness and cultural intelligence (CQ) on our campus
5. Establish an Equity Certificate Program
     a. The Equity Centered Syllabus
     b. Equity Centered Pedagogy
     c. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
     d. Africana Centered Pedagogy
     e. Equitable Grading Practices
6. Increase transparency and communication between:
     a. Faculty and administration
     b. Faculty members
7. Increase reliance on OER across all subjects
8. Continue making our campus more inclusive and more equitable
9. Focus on increasing accessibility to all course material to achieve 504/508 compliance
10. Implement data driven decision-making and evidence-based practices
     a. Increase awareness of available student success and student retention data
     b. Create dialogue based on the data
     c. Change practices to improve student success and retention

Short Term

  1. Continue to support the implementation of AB705: Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012 for math and English
  2. Finalize list of new programs to be added to Compton College
  3. Support recruitment, enrollment, and persistence efforts by providing ideas and feedback on campus strategies
  4. Ensure faculty have the correct SLOs listed in their syllabi and increase completion of SLOs
  5. Support the redesign of the FYE program
  6. Increase visibility of art on our campus
  7. Establish a succession process for Senate sub-committee chairs

Long Term

  1. Explore avenues to include DEI in the COR and Program Review
  2. Design and implement a Study Abroad Program
  3. Assist in the structure and implementation of AB288: Public Schools: College and Career Access Pathways Partnership Agreements with local high schools

Academic Senate Committee Meeting Agenda & Minutes
Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws

New Senator Orientation

Senate-Approved Syllabus Statements

Compton College Sabbatical Leave Application

2023-2024 Meeting Dates and Location:

First and third Thursdays of every month.


Academic Senate Committee Membership:

Academic Senate - Committee Self-Evaluations

2021-2022 Committee Self-Evaluation

Summary of Academic Senate Decisions and CEO/President Responses


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