President/CEO Message

June 10, 2021

The semester will end tomorrow, and we will have completed a full year in a remote environment. In other news, over the past week, we have been working with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) on a timeline for our upcoming accreditation visit in 2024. As mentioned in the President/CEO Message - May 27, 2021, our accreditation review will be conducted through the new Formative/Summative Comprehensive Review Process. However, the timeline for submitting the Institutional Self-Evaluation Report (ISER) has changed since the publishing of the President/CEO Message - May 27, 2021. Our ISER report is now due to ACCJC on Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Team ISER Review will now take place in fall 2023, and our Focused Site Visit will now occur in spring 2024. The Compton College ISER timeline is available here.

The President/CEO Message - June 10, 2021, includes COVID-19 information and other campus-related updates.

Compton College COVID-19 Update

Los Angeles County's current risk level is Yellow Tier (minimal), according to California's "Blueprint for a Safer Economy." On June 9, 2021, there were 202 newly recorded confirmed cases in Los Angeles County. The county now has a total of 1,245,588 reported cases (including cases reported by Long Beach and Pasadena Health Departments). For more information, go to Compton College is operating at Level 3 - Moderate Infection Rate according to the Compton CCD Pandemic Outbreak - Emergency Operations Plan.

Celebrating the Class of 2021: Virtual Commencement Ceremony June 11, 2021

Compton College will host a virtual Commencement Ceremony tomorrow, June 11, 2021, at 11:00 a.m., which will be streamed via the college's YouTube channel and accessed via the Compton College website at

Please help us celebrate by posting a congratulatory message for Compton College Graduates (#ComptonGrad) on our Commencement Facebook (@comptonedu) event post or the college's YouTube channel during the virtual Commencement Ceremony! More info:

Reminder to Compton College employees: Check your email for a special, invitation-only Watch Party event hosted by the Compton College Commencement Planning Committee. Details including the Zoom link are available in the email sent today from our Director of Community Relations, Heather Parnock. All full-time employees will also receive a $20 UberEats voucher via email tomorrow, June 11, 2021.

COVID-19 Safety Training

COVID-19 Safety Training is available online via Keenan & Associates - SafeColleges online training. All employees are asked to complete the training before returning to work on campus. The training is not required, but the District is providing health and safety training options for employees. The brief videos include the following topics: 

  • Coronavirus Awareness (10 minutes)
  • Coronavirus:  CDC Guide to Mask Making (9 minutes)
  • Coronavirus:  Cleaning and Disinfecting the Workplace (10 minutes)
  • Coronavirus:  Managing Stress and Anxiety (12 minutes)
  • Coronavirus:  The Basics of Vaccines (10 minutes)

Additional information regarding the training will be provided via email to all District employees by the Office of Human Resources next week.

Summer and Fall 2021 Enrollment Update

As of today, June 10, 2021,  Compton College has generated:

  • 368 FTES for the Summer 2021 term. Our fill rate is currently 55%, and our seats filled is 2,784.
  • 249 FTES for the Fall 2021 term. Our fill rate is currently 10%, and our seats filled is 1,578.

Today's enrollment snapshots are available here.

The first summer sessions begin Monday, June 21, 2021. A variety of eight-week and six-week classes are still available for registration, including some six-week classes that begin on Tuesday, July 6, 2021. Click here for a list of open sections for the summer 2021 term. Please encourage interested students to apply and register as soon as possible.

Please note: the registration system will not be available Saturday, June 12, 2021, at 6:30 p.m. through Sunday, June 13, 2021, at 8:30 a.m. and again Sunday at 7:00 p.m. through Monday, June 14, 2021, at 3:00 a.m.

Mandatory Fall 2021 Professional Development Day

We will begin the fall 2021 semester with our two Professional Development Days on Thursday, August 19, 2021 (mandatory), and Friday, August 20, 2021 (optional) via Zoom Meeting. Day one, Thursday, August 19, 2021, will begin with the general session at 9:00 a.m. and conclude at 4:00 p.m. All Compton College faculty, Classified staff, and managers/supervisors are expected to participate in the mandatory Professional Development activities. Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, Professor Emerita in the Department of Curriculum & Instruction at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, will serve as our keynote speaker. Dr. Timothy Renick, Director of Georgia State University'sy's National Institute for Student Success, will serve as our guest speaker for Classified staff and managers/supervisors. 

Click here to register for the mandatory Professional Development Day on Thursday, August 19, 2021.

The complete schedule of events for the two Professional Development Days will be available in a future President/CEO - Message.

2021-2022 Compton CCD Tentative Budget

The 2021-2022 Compton CCD Tentative Budget and Budget Assumptions are available here. The 2021-2022 Compton CCD Tentative Budget and Budget Assumptions were reviewed and supported by the Planning and Budget Committee at their June 8, 2021 meeting. The 2021-2022 Compton CCD Tentative Budget will be presented to the Compton CCD Board of Trustees at their June 15, 2021 Board Meeting with a recommendation for approval.

President/CEO Closing the Loop

This morning I approved several Counseling coordination assignment requests for summer 2021. After reviewing the proposals, I decided the counseling's coordination activities can be conducted on campus or remotely, as approved by the dean of counseling and guided pathways. However, all counseling services to students will be undertaken on campus during summer 2021. Furthermore, I asked Dr. Cesar Jimenez, dean of counseling and guided pathways, to provide a report on each of the counseling coordination assignments by Wednesday, September 1, 2021.

As mentioned in the President/CEO - May 24, 2021, the Academic Senate proposed changing the college hour. At the June 3, 2021, Academic Senate Meeting, the Academic Senate revised their recommendation of 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. to 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. This afternoon, I accepted the recommendation from the Academic Senate and beginning in spring 2022, the college hour will be held from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday. My only concern with this recommendation is the potential impact this change would have on our partnership with Compton Unified School District Early College High School and our AB 288 College and Career Access Pathway Agreements with Compton Unified, Lynwood Unified, and Paramount Unified School Districts. We will revisit the college hour time and seek creative input sometime in the 2022-2023 year.  

As a follow-up to the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Call to Action and the Compton College Response to the Call to Action: Action 4 - Board Reviews and Updates Equity Plans with Urgency, I have asked Elizabeth Martinez, vice president of Student Services, to oversee the Compton College 2024 Student Equity Plan development. Lydell Willis, our new director of Basic Needs and Success, will be the lead on the plan development. We are hiring Gensler, who assisted with our Compton College 2024 Planning documents, to serve as the lead writers for this plan. The goal is for the Compton College 2024 Student Equity Plan to be linked to our other planning documents and to have participation from the Student Success Committee, the Tartar Support Network Committee, and the Student Equity and Achievement Budget Workgroup. I want to present the Compton College 2024 Student Equity Plan to the Compton CCD Board of Trustees for approval at their December 7, 2021 board meeting.

Compton Community College District Board of Trustees Meeting

The Compton CCD Board of Trustees' next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, June 15, 2021. The closed session begins at 4:00 p.m., with the open session commencing at 5:00 p.m. via Zoom Meeting. Information on how to access the Compton CCD Board of Trustees meeting is available here.

Final Thoughts

In closing, thank you for your continued support of Compton College students and their success. Please enjoy tomorrow's virtual Commencement Ceremony, and please be safe.


Keith Curry, Ed.D.
(preferred pronouns: he/him/his)
Compton College

Keith Curry on Social Media: Twitter Instagram Snap Chat


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