The Arts Journal of Compton College
Call for Submissions
The Spring 2023/2024 Voices of Compton Committee cordially invites Compton College
students and recent graduates to submit poetry, personal essays, short stories, plays,
monologues, artwork, paintings, photography, drawings, sculpture, or digital art to
be considered for publication in our Spring 2023/2024 issue.
- Poetry: Five-poem limit, maximum of 250 words each (Free-verse works are preferred.)
- Personal essays and short stories: 1,000 words maximum for each submission (No research
papers, please. Personal non-fiction essays and third-person short stories are particularly
- Short plays/screenplays and extended monologues: Five double-spaced pages maximum
for each submission (Excerpts of longer works will be considered.)
- Comic scripts or comic strips/sequential art stories: Five page maximum for each submission.
This can be just the script (without art) or the panels (with art). (Longer works
will be considered. Please submit the panels and a script. For stories with an artist
and a writer both students need to submit.)
- All artwork must the applicant's original work, not a copy of another artists work
- Three submissions maximum. (Selections should demonstrate expression, creativity,
and craftsmanship.)
- 300 DPI files in .JPEG format, no smaller than 800 X 1200 pixels
- Remember to include artist's full name, semester and year of creation, title of work,
medium, size in inches or centimeters.
For writing work please follow these steps:
- Upload your Microsoft Word (.docx) document and
- Email it to:
- Please put in the subject line - story, poetry, essay submission
- Include in the body of the email - your name (as you would want it to appear in print),
the title of the work, the semester & year it was created
For artwork please follow these steps:
- Email your 300 DPI jpeg image of your art to us at
- Include in the subject line - VoC art
- Include in the body of the email - artist’s full name, semester and year of creation,
title of work, medium, and size of artwork in inches or centimeters.
Contributors whose work is accepted for publication will receive a free copy of the
issue, so please include your mailing address and contact information. If your work
is accepted for publication, Compton College retains the first North American serial
rights to publish, produce, reproduce, distribute, and market. Additionally, if required,
we may edit your submission for clarity. All other remaining rights revert to the
author upon publication. If your work is republished somewhere else, we ask that you
credit Voice of Compton Literary and Arts Journal as the place of first publication.
April 19, 2024 Deadline
Current Edition of Voices of Compton - Spring 2023 (PDF)
Questions? Send an email to