President/CEO Message
October 15, 2020
Campus Community,
Tuesday, November 3, 2020, is Election Day. I am excited that Compton College will again be serving as a vote center for our community. Working with the Los Angeles County Register-Recorder's Office, the Compton College Gymnasium will serve as a vote center. Voting will be held on campus from October 24, 2020, through November 2, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on Tuesday, November 3, 2020 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. A Vote by Mail Drop Box will be located in the Gymnasium during this time. The President/CEO Message - October 15, 2020, includes COVID-19 information and other campus-related updates.
Compton College COVID-19 Update
Los Angeles County's current risk level is Tier 1 (widespread), according to California's "Blueprint for a Safer Economy." Today, October 15, 2020, there were 1,233 newly recorded confirmed cases in Los Angeles County. The county now has a total of 286,183 reported cases (including cases reported by Long Beach and Pasadena Health Departments). There has been a total of 6,834 deaths reported in Los Angeles County. For more information, go to According to the Compton CCD Pandemic Outbreak - Emergency Operations Plan, Compton College continues to operate at Level Four - Severe Infection Rate.
Essential Employees Work Schedule
The Essential Employees Work Schedule for Monday, October 19 through Friday, October 23, 2020, is posted online here. The schedule will be updated every Thursday for the following week as employees continue to gradually return to campus.
October 29, 2020, Open Pandemic Coordinator Meeting
We would like you to join the Pandemic Coordinators on Thursday, October 29, 2020, at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the draft "Eventual Return to Campus" plan. If you are interested in participating in the meeting, please email Heather Parnock, Director of Community Relations, at to receive the Zoom meeting information. The Open Pandemic Coordinator Meeting will focus on an updated draft Eventual Return to Campus plan.
African American Male Education Network Development (A2MEND) Anti-Racism National Dialogue
The next African American Male Education Network Development discussion is scheduled for Saturday, October 24, 2020, and is titled "Compounded Oppression: Sister Circle." The panel includes Tamika Mallory, Ijeoma Olou, and Dr. Tricia Rose. Compton CCD will provide financial support for employees (including faculty, Classified staff, managers/administrators) and students. If you are interested in participating in this national discussion, RSVP with Pilar Huffman, Professional Development Manager at, by Wednesday, October 21, 2020.
Undocumented Student Week of Action
Monday, October 19, 2020, through Friday, October 23, 2020 is Undocumented Student Week of Action. I want to thank the UndocuAlly Task Force for coordinating our week of activities, which are available here. Please encourage students to participate in these events. On Tuesday, October 20, 2020, at the Compton CCD Board of Trustees meeting, I will recommend to the Board of Trustees approve the Compton Community College District Resolution #10-20-2020A declaring October 19-23, 2020, as Undocumented Student Week of Action, which is available here.
Compton College Site Visit By Board of Registered Nursing (BRN)
The Compton College site visit by the BRN for our Nursing program's continuing approval will be conducted on Monday, November 9 and Tuesday 10, 2020. The site visit will be wrapped up with stakeholder meetings on Thursday, November 12, 2020. The entire three-day BRN November 2020 site visit will be virtual. Dr. Shirley Thomas, interim associate dean of Nursing has been working on the final draft of the self-study report, in consultation with our Nursing Education Consultant, Dr. Donna Schutte. The self-study report is expected to be submitted to the BRN by Friday, October 23, 2020.
More information on the Compton College site visit by the Board of Registered Nursing, will be included in a future President/CEO Message.
Student Communications
Currently enrolled students were sent a reminder about the online Media Preferences Survey. Survey details are available below. All emails sent to Compton College students are available online on the Student Communications & Information webpage.
Survey Measures Student Media Preferences
Collaborating with Interact Communications and the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office, Compton College is promoting a "Statewide Media Preferences" survey to help us understand which media Compton College students use most, and by extension, how we can better communicate with them. The survey is open through November 15, 2020.
Compton College students have been asked to complete a series of questions about their media preferences. At the end of that survey, participants will have the chance to enter an opportunity drawing. Faculty and staff, please encourage your students to participate in the survey; current Compton College students, be sure to check your email for more information and a link to the survey.
Upcoming Events
October 20 New Employee Welcome Reception (Zoom) 3-4 p.m.
October 20 Compton CCD Board of Trustees Meeting (Zoom) Open Session begins at 5 p.m.
Oct. 21 - Nov. 3 General Election - Vote Center (Gym)
Oct. 24 - Nov. 2 10 a.m. - 7 p.m., Nov. 3 7 a.m. -
8 p.m.
October 27 Authors @ Compton: Quincy Troupe (Zoom) 11 a.m. - 1 p.m.
October 29 President/CEO Virtual Student Forum (Zoom) 1-2 p.m.
Every week, please check the online calendar of events, which is available here.
Final Thoughts
As mentioned in the President/CEO Message - September 10, 2020, I encourage all employees to review the Compton CCD Board of Trustees' Meeting Agendas. Each month, the Information Items section of the Board Agenda includes recurring items such as the Board of Trustees' 2020 goals, 2020-2021 Compton College goals, and updates on the Oliver W. Conner Estate, Accreditation, and the Nursing Program. The current and previous board agendas are available online at; click "Enter Public Site."
Today, I honestly thought I would get a lot of work done; however, Kamilo Ali Curry took advantage of every free second I had. I know many of you and your families are juggling work, child care, Zoom work meetings, and Zoom/Google classrooms with your children. As we endure the COVID-19 pandemic, this has become our new reality. As I adapt to the new reality, I continue to think about post-COVID-19, and how are our institution has improved its programs and services due to this pandemic.
Please be safe and have a wonderful weekend, and yes, tomorrow is Friday.
Keith Curry, Ed.D.
(preferred pronouns: he/him/his)
Compton College