OER Committee

Open Educational Resources (OER) Committee

Meeting Dates and Location:

Third Tuesday of every month during the academic year at 1:00 p.m.

OER Committee Membership




Emma Adams eadams@compton.edu Faculty Representative - Anatomy & Physiology
Lynn Chung lchung@compton.edu Library
Richard Flores rflores11@compton.edu Faculty Representative - Social Sciences
Steven Gonzales sgonzales@compton.edu Co-Chair
Liliana Huerta lhuerta@compton.edu Faculty Representative – EOPS
Pilar Huffman phuffman@compton.edu Administrative Representative
Nathan Lopez nlopez11@compton.edu Co-Chair
Gayathri Manikandan gmanikandan@compton.edu Faculty Representative - Math
Malinni Roeun mroeun@compton.edu Faculty Representative - Math
Clifford Seymour cseymour@compton.edu SRC Representative 
Abby Tatlilioglu atatlilioglu@compton.edu Faculty Representative - Math
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